From this shop window you can buy a book or food smoker




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ProQ Eco smoker with cold smoke generator, wood dust and a copy of our book


Cold Food Smoking Pack including:

ProQ Eco Smoker - box smoker
The ProQ Cold Smoke Generator
Extra bag of beech wood dust
Book - "Smoking Food at Home with Smoky Jo" - based on the Food Smoking courses run in Cumbria for over ten years this explains, inspires and entertains! It covers hot and cold smoking, recipes and more.

The Eco Smoker and the original ProQ Cold Smoke Generator.
With this set it you will be cold smoking salmon, cheese, garlic, butter etc etc in no time!
The Eco Smoker is an ingenious design - easy to put together with double thickness sturdy cardboard with metal racks and trays inside, approx. 30 x 30 x 55 cm.
The Cold Smoke Generator is easy to light - once the tea light has got the dust smouldering REMOVE IT and put the smoker in the bottom of the Eco Smoker on the metal base and the food on the racks above the drip tray.
The cold smoke generator includes a bag of oak dust and will produce smoke for up to twelve hours
Size 150 x 180 x 40mm
Stainless steel construction

PLEASE NOTE - The ProQ Eco Smoker is designed for use only with the ProQ Cold Smoke Generator. Using the box with any other brand or size may result in serious injury or damage to property.


Large Stovetop Smoker